Saturday, 10 April 2010

It's been a very good week

Determined to be known for what I wrote, not for the excuse I use not to, I have knuckled down and worked this week. Not that I don't at other times - 23 finished plays proves I can actually get the job done when I want, but just lately I have not been as productive as I would like.

That, however, is in the past.

This week, I have written nearly 10,000 words to my novel, as well as a blog for World In Need about the Congolese women who addressed the UN in New York. (Power to them! Read the blog at

And then I realised it was time for the monthly script writer's workshop for Tunbridge Wells Writers Circle ( and the play idea I wanted feedback on was still in my head. Now, it looks very polished in there. Award winning, in fact. But other people can't see it.

So, that day, I left the novel to one side and worked on the treatment for the play - which turned into writing a rough first draft of most of scene one. It looks promising. And funny. Well, it made the critiquers at the workshop laugh, anyway.

I came away from the workshop with some ideas on improving, plus a couple of ideas for things to add I would never have thought of alone. I'm 10,000 words from finishing the novel and then I can write the play properly. I am useless at having two projects on the go at the same time. The characters from one tend to forget their way and head off to take part in the other and it gets very complicated. If given the slightest encouragement, fictional characters act like real life people and do exactly as they want, regardless of what you tell them!

So, onwards and upwards. And maybe, just maybe, one day, that award I see the play winning in my head, will be presented on the outside too. *Sigh* A girl can dream, can't she?

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